
In a building fire, alerting the fire department, a building manager, or an owner as quickly as possible can save lives and property.  It is so critical that many municipalities require fire monitoring in buildings today.  Here is a basic introduction to Fire Alarm Monitoring.

What is Fire Alarm Monitoring?

Fire Alarm Monitoring is an automated system of communication using electronic equipment and people to notify authorities and owners as quickly as possible about signal activations (such as Alarm, Trouble, Supervisory, Low Battery, Sprinkler Tamper, or Power Failure) emanating from a fire protection system. 

How does it work?

At its most basic level, a fire alarm monitoring system consists of a fire alarm control panel (FACP), communicator equipment, and a central monitoring station. When the FACP detects an event, a signal is sent to the monitoring panel or communicator which is then relayed to a central station.  At the central station, a live operator receives the signal and immediately alerts authorities or designated personnel of the potential fire.  Under this system, automated 24/7 monitoring is achieved. Fire Monitoring can be set up to supervise various fire protection systems, such as Fire Alarm, Fire Pumps, Fire Sprinklers, and Fire Suppression systems.

Why Do I Need It?

Safety for the occupants and protection of property are certainly the two most important reasons.  With fire alarm monitoring, the opportunity to preserve lives in an emergency drastically increases.  It also saves homes and businesses and when those are saved, jobs are protected as people can return to work faster.

Fire Alarm Monitoring helps decrease response times for emergency responders. Those minutes saved can reduce damage and save lives.  It can also provide more accurate information for those going into danger.  In a situation where there is a fire, fire monitoring allows occupants to escape the area or building without having to worry about calling 911.  If the building is unoccupied or vacant the system calls 911 for the owner.

Another motivating reason is fire and building code compliance. Many modern buildings are required by their local laws to have 24/7 monitoring.  Your insurance policy may also require monitoring or may increase your premium if you do not have monitoring.

Lastly, fire alarm monitoring can alert an owner to a fault in the fire protection system, ensuring that the system is always working as it was designed.

How expensive is it?

That will vary from city to city but a building owner can expect an initial installation cost followed by a monthly fee.  Overall, it should pay for itself with savings from your insurance provider.


If you need fire monitoring service in your building, turn to Phoenix Pacific. Serving companies throughout Hawaii, Guam, and the Pacific region, they are experienced and knowledgeable.  Get more information about their services online, or call (808) 682-1000 to schedule a consultation.
