
Almost everyone has had an encounter with an aggressive driver. Whether they are weaving in and out of traffic, following too closely, or even deliberately trying to cause a crash, sharing the road with one of these individuals is a stressful and frightening experience. The last thing you want is to be involved in an accident that requires an insurance claim (or worse) so remember these tips to prevent problems with aggressive drivers. 

How to Avoid Confrontations with Aggressive Drivers 

1. Be Courteous

Aggressive drivers are often triggered by the actions of others. When you don't follow the rules of the road, cut them off, drive distracted, or fail to be courteous, other drivers may become angry and respond by driving aggressively. Even if you aren't involved in a road rage incident, driving irresponsibly can cause an accident or result in a traffic citation, both of which affect auto insurance rates. Drive carefully, be courteous, and follow traffic rules to keep this from happening.

2. Protect Yourself

Sometimes the best way to deal with an aggressive driver is to get out of the way and let them go past. If someone is tailgating you, or you see them passing other cars behind you, pull over when it is safe to do so and let them pass. If the driver appears to have targeted you, and is following you, making rude or obscene gestures, or trying to intimidate you, remain calm and drive to the nearest police station. Avoid driving home or to your workplace. 


3. Report Aggressive Drivers

Even if you don't have contact with the aggressive driver yourself, you can protect other drivers by reporting them to the police. Take note of their license plate, make and model of the vehicle, the location, and their direction of travel. Your report can help prevent an accident, or help another driver when they need to make an accident report to their insurance company.

4. Avoid Eye Contact

Some drivers interpret eye contact as a challenge, and will try to initiate a confrontation if they see you looking at them. Stay focused on the road and safe driving, and don't respond to their behavior. Never return rude gestures, use your horn, or do anything else that could trigger a confrontation. 

5.  Leave Plenty of Time

Insurance companies note that many car accidents occur when drivers are running late, which causes them to speed or make other unsafe maneuvers. To reduce your stress, and reduce the risk of a road rage incident, leave yourself plenty of time so you can stay calm behind the wheel. 


Driving safely helps you avoid accidents and keeps your insurance rates affordable. For coverage in the  Scottsboro, AL, area, drivers rely on Goggans Insurance, for access to some of the nation's largest carriers, including Nationwide® and Progressive®. They will put their 30 years of experience to work getting you a great policy you can afford. Get more information online, or call (256) 574-3440 to request a quote.
