3 Top Chicken Breeds for Egg Production
Spring is typically the best season to raise baby chicks. However, because hatcheries take orders months in advance, winter is the ideal time to begin considering which breeds you want to raise and what kind of supplies to purchase from your local farm supply and feed store. If you’re looking for chickens to provide you with a regular supply of fresh, nutritious eggs, consider the following breeds before placing your order.
Which Chickens Are Best Suited to Egg-Laying?
1. Leghorn
Originating from central Italy in the mid-1800s, leghorns have been the go-to chickens for egg farmers for generations. These birds are fairly small, weighing an average of roughly 11 pounds, but they’re exceptionally well-adapted to converting food into eggs, often producing around half a dozen eggs each week, or nearly 300 a year.
Leghorns aren’t particularly friendly and can be resistant to breeding. However, they require little feed and can easily adapt to being raised free-range since they’ll forage for insects and other food out of instinct. As a result, they’re popular choices among first-time chicken keepers who don’t want to spend too much at their nearest feed store.
2. Plymouth Rock
A heritage breed which was once the most popular breed to keep when most families raised chickens at home, the Plymouth Rock was first seen in Massachusetts before the Civil War. These chickens are docile and easy to work with, produce upwards of 200 medium-sized eggs a year, and have plenty of flavorsome meat, making them an excellent all-purpose breed.
Plymouth Rocks adapt well to living in coops and are also diligent foragers. Both hens and roosters are mellow-natured, and once you establish trust with them, they'll follow you around and allow you to handle their chicks.
3. Australorp
These Australian chickens were bred specifically for egg-laying. Soon after the breed was created, a group of just six Australorp hens set a world record by laying nearly 1900 eggs in a single year. On average, these large black birds lay roughly 250 large white eggs annually.
Australorps are hardy, resistant to cold and disease, and comfortable with restricted living space, making them ideal for small coops and yards. They also have a reputation for being friendly and making good pets, even working well with small children.
Gregg Farm Services purchases their chicks from Cackle Hatchery. We will have a variety of pullets available March through June dependent on hatch dates. Rhode Island Reds, Easter Eggers, Leghorns, Plymouth Barred Rocks, Dominques, Cinnamon Queens and Buff Orpingtons are standards you will find here. You can call Tim reserve the breed and quantity you intend to purchase to guarantee availability.
You can also browse the cacklehatchery.com site if you are looking for a specific variety. We can add your choices to our regular deliveries - saving you shipping costs and often circumventing minimum order requirements.
Give Tim a call at 870-481-5165.
With locations in Gassville and Mountain Home, AR, this local farm supply and feed store has supplied residents and farmers throughout Baxter County for over 20 years. They offer monthly hatches beginning in February, and their knowledgeable staff will offer you expert advice on raising your birds. Call them at (870) 481-5165.