
Quality roofing keeps your home warm and dry while also protecting it from the weather. However, even a tiny perforation or missing shingle can cause problems, so you should know when repairs are required. Here are a few indicators that it's time to schedule roof repairs.

How to Tell if You Need Roof Repairs

1. Leaks

In some cases, water damage is the only indication of a problem with the roof. Moisture can seep in through even the tiniest crack, producing a wet spot on the inside of the roof, which will likely only be seen from the attic. If you notice discoloration or moisture building up, contact a roofing expert. They will inspect the flashing and the seals surrounding ventilation pipes, skylights, and chimneys to ensure they aren't eroded. Early leak detection mitigates the risk of water damage, which can ruin sheetrock, concrete, and any belongings in the attic.

2. Missing Shingles

roof repairs

Whenever there's a storm or inclement weather, inspect your roof. If you discover shingles are missing, they must be replaced right away. If not, rainwater could damage the delicate membrane and decking layer underneath, leading to decaying wood framing and mold growth in the attic. Missing shingles also offer an opportunity for pests to get into your home; if they do, they'll likely gnaw on electrical wires and bring bacteria with them.

3. Sagging

If one part of your roof appears uneven, like it's sagging down, the wood supports are likely failing. This issue may be the result of water damage or excess weight on the roof. In this case, immediate roof repairs are necessary since the framing will continue to droop and eventually cause the structure to collapse. The contractors will add extra, sturdy lumber to the frame to provide support and look for any signs of decay in the existing beams.


If you need to schedule roof repairs for your home, turn to Nine Square Roofing and Construction in Orlando, FL. This roofing company is proud to provide quality services. They also offer flexible payment options and military and senior citizen discounts. Visit them online to learn more about how they can help, and call (407) 668-0033 to schedule an appointment.
