
Spending time with peers is essential to child development, as it helps little children learn social skills they will use for the rest of their lives. Friendships also contribute to self-esteem, teach teamwork and conflict resolution, and even help protect against bullying. If your child is currently in preschool and meeting other children, review the following guide.

How to Help Your Child Become More Social

1. Be a Good Example

Show your child what positive social behavior looks like through your interactions with friends, extended family members, and neighbors. Ask these individuals questions indicating your compassion and interest, ranging from basic inquiries about their daily lives to more detailed queries about their work, children, and pets. Listen carefully before responding with various insights to demonstrate the pattern that successful conversations require. 

2. Read Relevant Books


Find books at the local library that focus on social skill development, such as working as a team with other children and resolving conflicts peacefully. Have short discussions after reading each book to help your child pick up on relevant skills, such as talking about what occurred when characters listened to each other and worked together and what happened when they didn’t. Ask your little one what they think the right solution would be for the characters. 

3. Host Playdates

Talk to fellow parents at your child’s preschool about socially distanced playdates, particularly if you see your little one playing with certain schoolmates repeatedly. Playdates provide opportunities outside of school settings for young ones to interact and get to know each other. Offer games for the children to play to encourage teamwork, or provide new outdoor toys to talk about and take turns using. If you're concerned about your child feeling overwhelmed, start with one-on-one playdates before transitioning to group activities. 


If you're looking for a new preschool dedicated to child development, consider Just 4 Us Childcare & Learning Center in O’Fallon, MO. The licensed learning center has provided a safe, fun environment for children up to 12 years old since 2000. They're also open 12 hours a day, and their staff is happy to accommodate busy parents. Call (636) 978-8887 to ask any questions, or visit them online to schedule a visit.
