
While spray foam insulation is typically used in residential construction, it's gaining popularity among commercial buildings as well. Thanks to its ability to expand and fill even the tightest crevices, foam insulation provides a range of unique benefits. Explore three of these advantages in the following guide. 

Why Commercial Buildings Need Spray Foam Insulation

1. Energy Efficiency

Air leakage accounts for up to 40 percent of energy loss in a building, increasing your carbon footprint and costing you more. Air infiltration due to exterior cracks or gaps on interior walls can raise or lower indoor air temperatures, depending on the season. If left unchecked, this can dramatically reduce an HVAC system's efficiency and cost more on monthly utilities. Spray foam insulation seals the gaps, providing consistent indoor air temperatures while reducing wear and tear on an HVAC system. 

2. Noise Reduction

spray foam

Foam insulation is highly beneficial for buildings in busy neighborhoods, as it's an effective sound barrier from outside noises, including street traffic. Sound-deadening, sprayed polyurethane mitigates outside noises, creating quiet interiors that promote concentration and improved employee morale. When used to fill interior walls, it prevents sound from leaving or entering a desired room or space, establishing private areas throughout an office. 

3. Enhanced Structural Integrity

As a building's primary load-bearing structures, your walls are subject to intense strain, including compression, wind loads, and shear force. Spraying high-density foam insulation in the stud cavities can reinforce your exterior walls, enhancing the wall assembly's overall integrity and the structure itself. Polyurethane insulation improves a building's resistance to shearing, compression, and racking strength—its ability to resist wind loads. 


Improve your commercial building from the inside out with spray foam insulation from Midwest Diversified in Lawrence, KS. For over 23 years, their team of licensed, professional technicians has provided various services, including roofing and insulation, for commercial businesses. Contact them at (785) 856-7663 to request a quote for your next project, or visit them online to learn more about their services. 
