Auto Repair Shop
Pete's Repair
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(1 reviews)

N15612 US Hwy 53, Galesville, WI 54630-8839

About Pete's Repair

Car trouble can really throw a wrench into your daily schedule, but you’ll get back on the road quickly when you take your vehicle to Pete’s Repair in Galesville, WI. This auto shop provides reliable car repairs for all makes and models, and they’ll have your vehicle up and running again in no time.

These automobile repairing specialists are the best at what they do. They save you money by completing the job correctly the first time and offering fair, affordable prices. If your car won’t start, they’ll travel directly to you to fix the problem. You can rely on them for prompt and courteous service at all times.

For fast, effective car repairs, make Pete’s Repair your first choice. Call them today at (608) 582-4480 to schedule an appointment.


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(1 reviews)
