
On occasion, a diseased, damaged, or dead tree on your property may present health and safety risks, requiring professional removal. As part of this service, a tree care company can run the branches and trunk through a wood chipper, providing you with fresh mulching to use in your lawn and landscaping. If you're getting ready for this service, here are some ways you can use the wood chip mulch around your property.

How to Use Mulch in Your Yard

1. Walkways

Pathways that meander through your landscape can allow you to stroll through the area and enjoy the scenery. Additionally, walkways may provide direct access from your home's exterior doors to outdoor living spaces. 

Though gravel, stone, and concrete are popular options for these surfaces, wood chips offer an excellent alternative. In addition to creating a stable walking surface, they're easy to install and provide beautiful pops of color against the lush, verdant grass in your yard. 

2. Zen Garden

A zen garden is a square or rectangular area featuring a bed of small stones with a handful of large boulders surrounded by beautiful Japanese foliage. Creating one can provide a tranquil space in your yard for relaxing, meditating, and enjoying some quiet time. 

In lieu of rocks or gravel, you can use wood chips for the primary surface. This mulching material has an attractive golden brown color that may harmonize beautifully with the gray boulders and verdant plants surrounding the space. 

3. Planting Beds


Mulch can provide aesthetic and health benefits for trees, shrubs, and flowers in landscaping beds. As the wood chips gradually break down and integrate with the soil, they'll add organic matter to the earth, which can provide root systems with essential nutrients that support strong plant growth. 

Additionally, this mulching can create a protective covering that prevents weed seeds from landing on the soil and germinating. This may keep errant foliage from erupting in your gardens and stealing water or nutrients from plants, keeping them healthy. Additionally, wood mulch can define beds and lend a warm hue to your landscape, making your property more eye-catching and attractive.

4. Stone Features

Water fountains, statues, and fire pits can lend beauty and practicality to outdoor spaces. You can enhance these elements of your yard by surrounding the perimeters with wood chips. The golden-brown mulching against the stones can create beautiful color contrast and draw the eye to these features, turning them into focal points and statement pieces in your yard.


If you're looking for professionals who will provide you with wood chip mulching after tree removal, contact Precision Tree Service. Serving Bessemer City, NC, this company will safely get rid of the problem tree and use a chipper to create mulch that you can use to enhance your landscape. Call (704) 913-3187 to book an appointment, or visit their website to learn more about how they can help you maintain your outdoor areas. 
