
Doctors may prescribe home health care for patients whose independence is compromised because of an illness or injury. Family members may also seek in-home caregivers to help elderly loved ones whose safety is at risk due to a lack of mobility or health concerns. Hiring a professional can bring tremendous peace of mind for so many reasons. If you’re in the process of hiring someone for the role, here’s what you can expect.

What to Expect When Hiring an In-Home Caregiver

1. Initial Intake Visit

An intake nurse will visit you at home first to discuss your needs. They’ll go over your medical paperwork, take note of your medications, assess any fall risks, and create a care plan that includes a detailed outline of the types of services needed. During this discussion, you and the intake professional will also determine how often the caregiver will provide assistance. 

2. Choosing a Care Type

home health care

Based on the patient’s needs, you’ll need to make a determination about the type of care that would benefit them best. Companion care, for example, is often recommended for seniors who are alone during the day while family members are at school or work. They can spend quality time with the patient and take them to appointments. 

An in-home nurse may be necessary for patients who require assistance with medication or post-operative treatment. Meanwhile, personal care aides can help with housekeeping tasks, bathing, dressing, and cooking.

3. Developing a Relationship

Usually, home health care companies strive to send the same caregiver to the premises each time. This allows the patient to establish a connection with the person. Familiarity breeds comfort and trust, both of which are important for seniors and for recovering patients. Establishing a routine helps patients feel more comfortable.

If you are interested in home health care for yourself or a loved one, turn to CrossLove CDS, LLC in Clayton, MO. These professionals will assist you in selecting and training a family member to assume the role of a companion care or senior living provider. This close bond can make all the difference to a person’s recovery. Visit the website for more information or call (314) 452-9091 to speak with a representative.
