
Water can cause significant damage to a home, and this can include the land around it as well. You shouldn't have to worry whenever rain is in the forecast, but your garden, lawn, and foundation can be impacted by erosion. Fortunately, hardscape installations, most notably a retaining wall, can redirect the flow of water around your home. Here's a closer look at soil erosion and what you can do about it. 

What to Know About Soil Erosion

Erosion occurs whenever a water source, such as rainfall during a storm, leaking pipes, or a flooding creek, lifts soil and causes it to move somewhere else. It's a natural process, but whether sudden or gradual, it can lead to problems on your property, particularly when there are long or steep slopes. Plants may lose their nutrients, the terrain may change and create unevenness, and the home's foundation may become damaged by water exposure. 

It's wise to look for signs that erosion is occurring. Standing water on the lawn, bare spots, gullies where water often flows when it rains, and spongy areas are all indicators that erosion is already impacting your property. 

How a Retaining Wall Can Help

retaining wall

Constructing a retaining wall is one of the simplest and most effective ways to combat excessive erosion. They prevent it by changing the slope of the property and holding the soil in place where it's most effective to do so. When a contractor builds a wall and installs it, particular care is placed on how it will aid drainage, which channels water where it needs to go and where it won't do harm. 

You'll also enjoy aesthetic benefits with a retaining wall. It provides a healthy and attractive place to set up a garden or shrubbery. Many of these walls serve as convenient garden borders or raised terraces that elevate the look of landscaping design.


If you're experiencing damage to your lawn due to soil erosion, turn to the hardscaping experts at Landfried Inc. Serving the Northeast Metro Atlanta and Athens, GA, areas since 2012, the company has developed a reputation for finding solutions for aesthetic and functional issues outside the home, from paver patios to retaining walls. Call (678) 350-1475 to schedule an assessment of your property or visit the website to learn more about their services. 
