
If your household relies on a septic tank, you need to clean toilets properly to avoid backups and system damage. The wrong products and maintenance procedures will prevent the necessary bacteria from completely breaking down waste and safely channeling liquid effluent out of the tank. Before beginning to clean the toilets, use the following guide to understand how to do it correctly.

How to Choose the Proper Product

The right cleaners don't contain bleach, which can kill the essential bacteria that removes waste from the septic tank. For the same reason, avoid products with hydrochloric acid or sodium hypochlorite. Instead, look for items clearly labeled as biodegradable. This means that the cleaning solutions naturally break down in the tank, won't cause backups, and effortlessly flow out of the drain field. 

septic tank

When shopping, look for toilet bowl cleaners that contain primarily natural or plant-based ingredients. They are biodegradable and gentler on organisms inside the tank. Products certified as environment-friendly by conservation agencies will also help keep the septic system clog-free. As a bonus, their ingredients won't cause harm to waterways, land, and other geological surroundings.

For a homemade solution, combine a cup of white vinegar with one tablespoon of baking soda. Another alternative is using a mix of white vinegar, borax, and lemon juice. These options will clean toilets effectively without affecting the tank's bacteria and won't trigger backups. 

How to Clean Toilets

When using store-bought cleaners, follow the instructions to the letter. The process usually involves spraying the inside of the toilet bowl with the product. Let the solution sit for up to 10 minutes to remove stains and other debris. Once the appropriate time passes, use a toilet brush to scrub the interior.

If the stains are stubborn, apply a bit more cleaning product and allow it to sit for a few more minutes. This extra step should remove any leftover residue. Finally, flush the toilet to help disinfect and sanitize the entire toilet bowl. Following this procedure protects the septic tank from inconvenient clogs and keeps the bathroom fully operational.


Besides using the right products and cleaning techniques, you can maintain your septic tank system with help from Bob's Sweetwater Pumping Service in Waimea, HI. Serving the west side of the Big Island for over 20 years, this licensed and insured company offers various services, including septic tank pumping, drain cleaning, and wastewater removal. You can count on these skilled technicians for 100% care and restoration to prevent costly backups in your house. Call (808) 885-7159 for a no-obligation estimate, and visit the website to learn more about their septic services. 
