
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder that affects millions of Americans. Obsessive thoughts and compulsions are not unusual. But for people with OCD, these factors are persistent, cause significant distress, take up at least an hour per day, and routinely interfere with daily life. Knowing some of the most common forms of OCD can help you identify signs and determine if you or a loved one might benefit from anxiety treatment

What Are Some Signs You Might Need Anxiety Treatment for OCD?

1. Washing 

Obsessive hand-washing or use of hand sanitizer is one of the most prevalent symptoms of OCD. People with this compulsion are usually germophobic. Obsessive hand-sanitizing may stem from a fear of getting sick, making others ill, or both. 

While it’s good to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after certain events, like using the bathroom or shopping in the grocery store, if you have persistent worries that you’re not washing enough or fears about contracting illnesses, it may be time to seek anxiety treatment. 

2. Checking

anxiety treatment

Obsessive and compulsive checking is associated with responsibility and danger. Often, checkers are afraid they could be responsible for some terrible event, such as a fire or burglary or a grave professional error. 

Checkers might need to repeatedly check that a door is locked, or an electrical switch is turned off or meticulously check all emails before and after sending. It’s normal to double-check sometimes, but if these behaviors interfere with your life, it may be time to seek anxiety treatment. 

3. Counting & Arranging 

“Counters” are preoccupied with order. They might count to themselves while doing certain tasks, such as brushing their teeth or walking. Sometimes, these behaviors stem from superstitions about particular numbers, arrangements, or colors. For instance, the person may fear that something bad will happen if they take an even number of steps down a hallway, provoking them to always take an odd number of steps. 


OCD can significantly impact a person’s life, but it is treatable. If you or a loved one is interested in anxiety treatment in Fulton County, GA, turn to Balance & Potential. This counseling center, based in Alpharetta, offers a range of mental health services, including psychological assessments, counseling, psychotherapy, and anxiety treatment. Call (678) 644-0039 to speak with a caring staff member. Or visit the website to learn more about the practice and what they can do for you. 
