
Caring for a loved one who is aging or unwell can be challenging. While there is great joy in being present for a person who means so much to you, it’s important to make sure all of their needs are met. In many cases, it can be enormously helpful to hire a home health aide to assume some of the responsibilities involved with caregiving. Here are three signs that your loved one may benefit from this option.

Could Your Loved One Benefit from Professional Care?

1. They Need Help Managing Medical Needs

The likelihood of developing medical conditions increases with age. Common concerns include diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and cognitive decline. To manage them, your loved one must take medications on time. Their blood pressure and blood glucose levels and the progress of their symptoms should also be monitored closely. Over time, it may be helpful to have a professional provide more focused care to manage their condition better. 

Even if your loved one has an injury rather than an illness, a setback could impede their ability to function normally for a time. 

2. They Need Assistance With Daily Tasks

home health aide

Many daily tasks can become difficult for people to handle independently as they age. For example, chores such as picking up groceries and prescriptions may prove dangerous if the person can no longer drive safely and may become neglected as a result. Preparing meals might also become difficult, especially if the person has mobility, vision, or cognitive issues that prevent them from moving around the kitchen safely.

Home health aides step in to fill the gap for your loved one when such issues arise. They can pick up items like food and medicine, for example, and they will cook foods that align with any recommended diet plans advised by your loved one’s doctor. They can also help with bathing or dressing if necessary, making a significant difference to the person’s quality of life.

3. They Feel Lonely or Isolated

It is not uncommon for seniors and people who are unwell to experience feelings of isolation and depression. When family members cannot be present throughout the day, due to work or other family obligations, hiring a compassionate senior service provider can give them physical and emotional support. 

That may mean spending quality time together, going for walks in the neighborhood, visiting the park, playing cards, or watching a movie. Just engaging your loved one in regular conversation offers them an outlet and a way of exercising the mind.


If you believe your loved one could benefit from a home health aide, turn to New Beginnings in St. Louis, MO. Serving the community since 1999, they offer a variety of services to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of their clients, including in-home nurses and respite care providers. Visit the website for more information, or call (314) 991-7777 to speak with a representative.
