
When considering solar energy as a means to supplement your power needs, you might think of roof-mounted solar panels as the only option. However, panels can be mounted almost anywhere, including on the ground in your backyard. In the guide below, learn more about the advantages of ground-mounted panels and what to consider before scheduling installation.

Ground-Mounted vs. Roof-Mounted Panels

Unlike roof-mounted solar panels, ground-mounted options require separate mounts and extra wiring to transfer electricity to your home. While this is often a more labor-intensive process, it has several advantages, such as the ability to fine-tune a pole-mounted system’s position for optimal exposure to sunlight. 

It’s also typically easier to clean and maintain ground-mounted panels since they’re easier to reach than roof-mounted ones. This also leaves your roof open for easy access in case contractors need to repair a leak. Configuring the layout of backyard panels may be simplified, as well, since they’re installed in open ground without obstructions like chimneys, ventilation pipes, or skylights.

Furthermore, some homeowners feel that the appearance of roof-mounted panels can detract from their home’s aesthetics. Ground-mounted options can be a good use of open space without being as visible from a distance.

solar panels

Space Requirements for Backyard Panels

The amount of space needed for a ground-mounted system varies depending on your energy needs. The average home consumes about 10,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) per year, or just under 900 kWh each month. For this level of demand, a 9-10 kW system should cover 100% of your needs and require roughly 620 square feet of space. You can also supplement traditional electricity sources with a smaller physical footprint.

Before starting, research local setback regulations. A setback is a mandatory distance between solar panels and your property line and varies according to your local regulatory authority.


If you’re interested in satisfying your energy needs with a custom-designed ground-mounted solar panel system, contact Olson Solar Energy. Located in Onalaska, WI, they proudly serve residents throughout Eau Claire, Stevens Point, Wausau, and the surrounding areas. They’ll design and deliver off-grid and grid-tied systems optimized to meet your requirements and make efficient use of open space around your home. Visit them online to learn more about their offerings, or call (608) 780-2347 to request an evaluation today.
