
Flat roofs offer a wide range of benefits in commercial buildings, such as lower construction costs and greater energy efficiency. However, they also come with a unique set of challenges that require regular maintenance and prompt repairs to ensure they last and provide adequate shelter. Here are a few issues to be mindful of if your building has a flat roof.

What Are Some Common Problems With Flat Roofs?

1. Buckling

As a building shifts and settles over time, the roofing membrane will move along with it, as it sits between the interior and the roof. Improper installation can also contribute to this issue, leading to unexpected repairs or premature replacement. A professional will inspect the membrane as part of their routine inspection following severe weather events or if you notice the foundation settling.

2. Standing Water

flat roofs

Unlike angled roofs, this type of roofing doesn't have the slope necessary to channel rainwater and condensation away. If pools of water are trapped on the upper surface for extended periods, they can result in extensive damage. The liquid also encourages algae and mold growth and can provide a home for mosquitoes and other irritating insects. Fortunately, incorporating an efficient drainage system into the structure prevents water from pooling, avoiding significant issues with the roof.

3. Leaks

Flat roofs are often more vulnerable to leaking than traditional roofing, as the standing water they frequently collect has more time to fall into small fissures and openings in the membrane. As a result, the building's interior could be subject to staining, water damage, and mold and mildew growth. Persistent leaks left unaddressed for long periods can even cause the structure to fail if water damage spreads. During an annual inspection, your contractor will locate and seal cracks in the membrane and flashing to prevent major damage.


Protect your business's flat roof from these issues with help from BPL Commercial in Colorado Springs, CO. These experienced roofing contractors have the training and equipment to handle repair and maintenance jobs of all sizes. Visit them online to learn about their services, or call (719) 300-1990 to request an estimate today.
