
If your goal is weight loss, a healthy exercise regimen is important. Losing weight is a different experience for everyone, and finding a routine that works for your body and lifestyle is key to a sustainable gym habit. Although cardio may be the first type of workout that comes to mind, strength training and weightlifting are great ways to lose weight. 

Why Does Strength Training Help With Weight Loss?

Gym training and weightlifting help build muscle mass, but not everybody who does strength training gains visible muscles. In reality, having more muscle means your body burns more calories at rest, contributing to weight loss. Strength training exercises, such as weightlifting, stimulate muscle growth, allowing you to increase your metabolism. When your metabolism is healthy, your body can burn more calories and fat, helping you manage your weight. 


What Kinds of Strength Training Help With Weight Loss?

When your goal is to lose weight, it's important to keep your heart rate high. This can mean reducing the amount of rest time in between sets or lifting heavier weights that require more muscle weight. Pushing your body in a healthy way builds muscle mass and encourages growth. 

Circuit training, for example, can help target a variety of muscle groups. This type of training combines six or more targeted exercises that are performed in repetition for short periods. A person completes one circuit when all exercises have been completed. This type of training focuses on short rest intervals and high performance while ensuring proper form.

How Can I Incorporate Strength Training Into My Fitness Regimen?

Strength training will increase your endurance for aerobic activity. When you have more powerful muscles, it's easier to run or bike for longer periods of time. In this way, strength training and aerobic activity can work to optimize your time at the gym. 

Try alternating between strength training and cardio, or incorporating circuit training to get the most well-rounded workout. Work with a trainer or take classes at your local fitness center to learn the basics of proper strength training techniques. 


If you're looking for a gym to support you on your weight loss journey, head to Hope Fieldhouse. There are a wide variety of classes and equipment available for strength and cardio training. This fitness center also partners with nonprofits to provide children from a wide range of backgrounds access to sports facilities to facilitate development. Visit Hope Fieldhouse online or call (612) 474-4600 to sign up today. To receive text updates from Hope Fieldhouse, text “Join” to (612) 474-3245.
