
Power outages due to a harsh winter storm can disrupt your everyday routine. Whether you’re cooking a meal for the family, paying bills, or the kids are doing homework, you’ll feel much more secure knowing you have a backup power source on hand if the weather robs your home of power. A generator is a practical solution that will keep the lights on no matter what’s going on outside. Here are some benefits of buying one.

Why Purchase a Generator This Winter?

1. Provides Immediate Power 

When the power goes out without warning, you may normally be left in the dark for a considerable period of time. That’s just long enough for food to spoil or your activities to be thrown off track. A generator will instantly turn on when an outage occurs, supplying your home with continuous power so you'll never be in the dark for lengthy periods of time.

2. Protects Food


The food in your refrigerator and freezer is at great risk of spoiling if the power remains off for a while. It can lead to significant losses, forcing you to purchase new food. Generators keep kitchen appliances running constantly, so there’s no risk of losing food when the power is out.

3. Avoids Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes are a risk during winter, when falling temperatures can cause the lines to crack and burst. The resulting leaks can cause significant damage to your belongings and property. With the power on, your heating system will continue to run when it’s cold outside and keep the pipes warm. 

If you want a reliable professional to install a generator, turn to the team at Gard Electrical Contracting. Serving clients throughout the Denver metropolitan area, these electricians offer a variety of services to ensure your comfort. Trust them for everything from panel upgrades to general maintenance. Visit the website for more information on their services, or call (303) 901-6924 to schedule an appointment.
