Interior Painters
Magnifical Painting
3361 Lake Brooke Bv, Knoxville, TN 37909

About Magnifical Painting

If you’re searching for a reliable painting contractor in Knoxville, TN, that delivers outstanding results, look no further than Magnifical Painting. Led by Rebecca and Bailee, with over 25 years of experience in the field, this team provides second-to-none service at budget-friendly rates. Customers can expect to be involved every step of the way to ensure their vision is properly carried out.

These creative and experienced technicians work with residential and commercial clients alike, providing stunning interior and exterior painting services that are backed by a customer satisfaction guarantee. On all of their jobs, they use only high-quality paint from the best brands on the market, ensuring your new paint job lasts. If you’re not sure what would look best in your home, this painting contractor will work with you to help you find the right color for your property.

This skilled crew also provides custom paint jobs for cabinets, sheds, and more. Customers can also turn to them to boost their home’s curb appeal with a thorough power washing. Their team strives to meet and exceed your expectations no matter the job, and they’re not happy with their work unless you are.

Trust the professionals at Magnifical Painting for all of your exterior and interior painting needs. They’re committed to providing results you’ll love at a price you can afford. Call this painting contractor today at (865) 696-7323 to request a free quote on your next project. You can also visit them online to learn more about their team and services.
