
Grass, trees, and landscaping plants receive moisture from rain and sprinklers to remain hydrated and healthy. However, if water doesn't drain properly, you might notice problems that compromise the appearance and health of your outdoor areas. Fortunately, a landscape contractor may provide outdoor drainage solutions to resolve the issue. Here are some signs of poor drainage and how a professional can correct them. 

What Means Your Backyard Has Drainage Issues?

1. Pooling Water

After a storm passes or your sprinkler system finishes running, you may observe puddles of moisture near downspouts and along the perimeter of your home's foundation. This can occur if your house is at the bottom of a slope or your downspouts do not divert moisture far enough away from your property. A landscape contractor can install an outdoor sump pump, which directs this water through underground pipes to a safe location. Alternatively, they can add extensions to downspouts to promote proper drainage. 

2. Soil Shifting 

Water that does not absorb into the earth may lift and move mulch and soil in landscape beds. This means you might notice silt and organic materials scattered over your lawn and paved surfaces, such as garden paths, patios, and driveways. Additionally, excess moisture may cause entire sections of your landscaping to shift or erode, which can damage shrubs, flowers, and herbs. A contractor may strategically install area drains, which are catch basins buried underground with grates on top, to collect water and hold your landscaping in place. 

outdoor drainage

3. Soggy Earth

Even if water successfully absorbs into the soil, the ground may never completely dry, causing your lawn to develop spots that remain soggy and spongy. These soft and muddy areas may increase the risk of slipping and falling while doing yard work or participating in recreation activities. A landscaping company can install French drains along the edges of your yard to capture extra moisture and help the earth dry out more thoroughly. 

4. Dying Foliage

When soil becomes saturated with moisture, this creates a favorable environment for pathogenic fungi, such as armillaria, to grow on the roots of grass, trees, and landscaping plants. As roots decay, they may no longer absorb nutrients and oxygen, which can stunt plant growth and cause discoloration. Channel drains installed near planting beds and along the perimeter of your backyard may divert moisture to prevent diseases and keep your foliage healthy.


As soon as you notice signs of poor drainage, contact Lonestar Landscape DFW, LLC. This landscape contractor provides outdoor drainage solutions and sprinkler systems to clients throughout Fort Worth, TX. Call (817) 863-5609 to request an estimate. Visit the website to learn more about how they can improve and maintain your outdoor living spaces. 
