
Qualified electricians often handle electrical wiring hazards in their day-to-day work. Although they are accustomed to working with electricity, accidents may still happen, especially in a risky environment. Whether you're a seasoned electrical contractor or just starting, reviewing the following safety tips is important to avoid the risk of electric shock. 

How to Work With Electrical Wiring 

1. Wear Personal Protective Equipment

In the event of electric shock or fire hazard, protective gear helps minimize exposure to hazards. According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, employees must wear gloves, safety glasses and shoes, and full insulation suits. This protective clothing is fire-resistant so it can prevent fire-related injuries. In addition, workers are prohibited from wearing any metal such as watches and jewelry.

electrical wiring

2. Use the Lock-Out Tag-Out System

The lock-out tag-out system (LOTO) ensures the working environment is safe by de-energizing all circuits. De-energizing is securing no residual power in the electrical wiring or machinery. 

Before starting, inspect the surroundings and assess hazards. Then shut down the circuit and isolate the equipment. To isolate the machinery, ensure no plugs and valves are connected to power sources. Next, lock all switches that may activate the power. Each lock has a corresponding tag with the worker's name and information. Lastly, double-check to avoid missing anything. 

3. Apply the Two-Person Rule

Working with electricity is a dangerous job requiring a buddy system to increase worker safety. For example, the first employee handles the work as the second one monitors the task. In an emergency, the second worker can intervene and ask for help. Additionally, the buddy system requires that the workers have the same expertise in the field and know how to administer first aid.


If you need high-quality tools for your business, reach out to Winsupply of Cincinnati. For over 38 years, this electrical supply store has provided power tools, including car chargers, electrical wirings, and lighting, to residential and commercial customers in Ohio. In addition, they carry a wide range of electrical parts from Gardner Bender®, Encore Wire®, and many more. Visit their website to find out more about their products, or call (513) 271-2505 to speak with a team member.
