
Cellulose insulation is one of the oldest and most popular options. Made of natural fibers, including recycled denim and newsprint, it can either be blown in dry to fill cavities between walls or sprayed on wet. Both applications offer benefits to homeowners, including the following.

4 Benefits of Cellulose Insulation

1. Dampen Sound

Because cellulose insulation is a loose-fill material and not rigid like other types, it fills up all available space and leaves no air pockets through which sound waves can travel. It then acts as a sound barrier against road noises, construction work, garbage trucks, and children playing to keep your home quieter and more peaceful.

2. Utilize Recyclable Materials

cellulose insulation

This type of insulation is composed of up to 85% recycled materials. By reducing the energy and materials required to produce it, cellulose eliminates tons of landfill waste and lowers your home's carbon footprint.

3. Reduce Heat Transfer

The R-value of an insulator is a measure of the thermal protection it offers per inch of material. The R-rating of cellulose insulation averages between 3.2 and 3.8 per inch, which is considerably higher than other comparable materials, including fiberglass and rock wool. Plus, unlike other types, it gets incredibly consistent coverage and covers all of the wooden framing in the attic, effectively creating a complete blanket of insulation to resist heat transfer even further.

4. Less Risk of Fire, Mold, & Bugs

Cellulose insulation is treated with boric acid, a powerful fire retardant that also repels insects and inhibits mold growth. The borate—a naturally occurring salt often used in laundry detergent—acts as a repellent and insecticide, effective against ants, cockroaches, and many other bugs. It's also a fungicide that can combat mold.


If you're ready to take advantage of cellulose insulation, contact Hunter's Insulation in Granada Hills, CA. They're fully licensed, bonded, and insured for your protection and specialize in floor, wall, and attic insulation. Call them at (818) 979-5857 for a free estimate, or visit their website to learn more about their insulation options.
