
Anxiety is a common mental health disorder. There are many misconceptions about the condition, such as the idea that it isn't serious enough to require therapy. However, anxiety can impact someone emotionally and physically, and each case is unique. The following guide explains some additional misunderstandings.

What Are Some Typical Myths About Anxiety?

1. It's Only a Mental Condition

Anxiety is a mental illness, but it also takes a serious physical toll. People with anxiety can experience symptoms like a racing heart, tightness in the chest, and difficulty concentrating. These issues can cause long-term damage unless you seek therapy. For example, chronic insomnia can increase the risk of hypertension, heart disease, and depression.

2. It Will Go Away On Its Own 


Anxiety can come in waves, and certain situations or life events can trigger even more serious symptoms. However, you can't prevent anxiety by avoiding stressful situations. The condition is unlikely to go away without professional treatment, such as therapy or preventive care.

3. It's the Same for Everyone

People with anxiety may have panic attacks due to particular triggers, such as social interaction, personal conflict, public speaking, or enclosed spaces. However, generalized anxiety disorder symptoms may be more subtle. For example, a specific event may not affect everyone, but they can still experience general tension, chronic worry, or everyday irritability.

4. It Makes You Lose Control

Some people may worry that they will pass out because of a panic attack. For example, they may be concerned that they'll faint while driving. However, a panic attack usually causes your body to experience a spike in blood pressure and a faster heart rate, which will keep your mind alert.


If you're experiencing anxiety, turn to Gavia LifeCare Center in Rochester, NY. These professionals offer therapy and personalized care for individuals with anxiety. After you get in touch with their compassionate team, a staff member will help you schedule an appointment within 48 hours. Contact them online to learn more about treatment options, or call (585) 371-6464 to discuss your needs.
