
At Red Door, we strive to provide our dancers with information and tools that they can use to live a healthy and happy life! Red Door is a proud More Than Just Great Dancing affiliated studio, which means we can pass on advanced tools and resources to our students and families! 


As health is a top priority for our families, students, and staff, we wanted to share some healthy habits that can be implemented in everyday life! 


  1. Spend more time outdoors- instead of watching tv or on your tablet, consider going for a walk, or playing at the park with your friends




2. Fuel your body with nutritious foods- try incorporating one fruit or vegetable into your meals this week

3. Stay hydrated- increase your water intake this month. Instead of juices, sodas, and sugary averages, choose water instead

4. Set a goal for yourself- maybe you want to read 1 book this month or get your middle splits! How will you achieve this goal? Write down a game plan. 
