
Most people rely on the instant hot water in their homes but often don't give much thought to their water heaters. They last an average of 15 to 20 years, so if yours is reaching that time or if you're unsure of your appliance's age, it's good to learn the signs that you need a new one. The following guide covers the red flags that indicate it's time to schedule a new water heater installation

When Should You Schedule a New Water Heater Installation?

1. Water Pooling

Water dripping down around the tank indicates there's a leak. If your system is older, this is likely the result of minor fractures formed over time. The metal slightly expands and contracts as the water goes through heating and cooling cycles, creating these cracks.  

2. Corrosion

water heater installation

The water tank has a liner inside to insulate the heat and prevent the water from touching the metal tank. Once the liner deteriorates, the water comes into contact with the metal and begins to corrode. Your hot water may have an orange hue or metallic taste to it, and you may be able to see the rust on the tank itself.  

3. Rising Bills

The hot water heater tends to be the second-largest energy consumer in your home, after the HVAC system. As the unit ages, it loses efficiency. It will require more energy to heat the water to the desired temperature, and the heat may leak out of the deteriorating liner, forcing the unit to heat the water more frequently. If you've experienced an unexplained rise in your energy bill, it may be the fault of an older water heater. 

4. Significant Repairs

Water heaters may break down over time due to leaks, faulty valves, or bad gaskets. If your unit stops functioning properly and requires a significant repair, consider the return on investment you will get. It's worth investing in repairs for a young system with many years left, but replacement might be best for a unit older than 10 years. 

5. Running Out of Hot Water

Your hot water needs may change over time, such as when the size of your household grows. If you find that you're frequently running out of hot water, it may be time for an upgrade. You can choose a traditional hot water heater with a larger tank or a tankless unit that heats the water on demand rather than heating and storing it.


If it's time for a new water heater installation, rely on the team at B&B Plumbing in Zimmerman, MN. This family-owned and -operated business is fully licensed, bonded, and insured. They provide a full range of plumbing repairs and installation services throughout the Twin Cities metro area, using fixtures from the industry's trusted brands. Visit them online to learn more about their services, or call (612) 594-1502 to schedule an appointment.
