
Taking dance classes is an excellent way for children to have fun and learn a new skill. Tap dance is one of the most popular styles for kids, as the loud, percussive steps are satisfying, letting them show their creativity and skills in an obvious way. Aside from the enjoyment of learning, these classes also provide many advantages, and below are a few of the most significant.

Why Should Kids Take Tap Dance Classes?

1. Boost Physical and Mental Health

Exercise is beneficial for all people, and especially children who are still growing and developing. Tap dancing requires them to move their feet quickly and in sync with others, which gets their blood flowing and helps them exercise. This improves their circulation and tones their muscles, as the repeated movements work the same areas of their body throughout the class.

Aside from physical advantages, dancing can even benefit mental health by reducing feelings of anxiety and boosting self-esteem. As your child learns new routines and masters the important moves associated with tap dancing, they can see immediate progress and recognize their accomplishments.

2. Learn Motor Skills

dance classes

The movements required to perform a successful dance routine are different from the standard movements people do throughout the day. For children who are still learning to control their bodies, this helps them master their coordination, as they must focus on completing the dance properly. This improves their gross motor skills, such as walking and running, as well as fine motor skills, such as grasping and manipulating objects. 

3. Improve Grades

When kids get plenty of exercise, their brains benefit. This is because physical activity has a direct relationship with attention, memory, and cognitive function, so taking dance classes can help your child perform better in school. For example, memorizing their dance routine can help them practice remembering the steps involved in a math equation, increasing the chance they recall the proper functions during a test.

4. Have Fun

Finding constructive ways for your kids to have fun and meet new people can be difficult, which is why taking dance classes is a popular choice. When your child enrolls in lessons, they can meet peers from other schools and areas and form friendships. Plus, learning the same routines provides a bonding opportunity, as it is fun to move around and dance with others. If your child decides to participate in a showcase, they can even enjoy the applause from the audience after showing off their moves.


If your child is interested in taking tap dance classes, contact Heidi Knight School of Dance in Huntsville, AL. Certified by Youth Protection Advocates in Dance, the experienced dance instructors offer classes for kids ages two and up. Since 2003, they have been teaching little ones a variety of dance styles, including ballet, jazz, tap, and hip hop. Call (256) 430-4315 to ask about enrollment, and visit them online to learn more about their available classes. 

