
Over the years, medical documentation has increasingly become an irksome repetitive task facing healthcare providers all over the world.  Physicians remain tied to their EHRs to complete notes and check and close charts after each consultation, taking up much of their time. This time consuming task has taken a toll on the efficiency and well-being of health care professions, taking away from precious time that could be spent with family, on self-care, or even tending to other pressing tasks related to the healthcare practice. Consequently, not only are physicians burnt out, but they also tend to become mechanical, rather than being holistic in their approach to conducting patient consultation.


Medical scribing provides a respite in the world of medical documentation, as it lifts the burden of documentation off physicians’ shoulders and passes it on to dedicated and efficient scribes.  According to the American College of Medical Scribe Specialists, medical scribes expanded into over 2500+ (and growing) medical institutions across the US in 2018, and in future it is projected to reach a skyrocketing figure of 100,000+ scribes nationally with a market projection of 1 billion – that is, in the US alone. These figures not only show that medical scribing is a rising profession, but they show an increased awareness in the medical profession for the need to alleviate some of the administrative burdens on physicians, allowing scribes to assume the position of medical documentation. 


Normally, scribes need to be physically present with the physician during rounds and consultation.  But with the advent of our technology, scribes can also assist doctors virtually even when both parties are located “halfway around the world”.  This also enables scribing companies to outsource personnel from other countries who can assume the position and provide the same service at a more affordable price.

The global pandemic of 2020 has knocked the entire world such that many companies and individuals simply could not sustain.  But for the medical profession, as the old saying goes, “as one door closes, windows of opportunity open.” The world of medical scribing is one window that has opened and shed a light of hope among those who lost their jobs or live in fear of working outside due to the risk of acquiring or spreading the virus to their significant others, or simply to those who just prefer to work from home while looking after their family.


Why The Philippines?

A myriad forms of online/virtual job opportunities like virtual assistance, medical scribing, and even ESL’s consider marketing in the Philippines. It is not surprising as the Philippines is ranked second to Singapore among all Asian countries when it comes to English proficiency and ranks 27th worldwide as of March 2021. These figures give assurance that communication is well-delivered at a globally-competitive scale.


Why MVS?

In just a matter of two years, MyVirtualScribe, as a medical company, has evolved from only providing medical scribes to offering more and more medically-related virtual forms of assistance such as medical billing, medical dictation, appointment setting, call handling, and many other tasks. In order to ensure the company provides quality independent service providers (or ISPs), selecting worthy applicants is like finding a needle in a haystack, and intensive training from 2 weeks to a month is provided to ensure these ISPs can face the challenges of any form of medical tasks.  ISPs are well-paid, on time, and clients/providers pay for the services at an affordable price making sure everyone is happy, ensuring a win-win situation for all.





