
Sleep apnea typically occurs when throat muscles relax during sleep, which blocks the airway and causes the individual to snore and possibly wake up throughout the night. A CPAP—continuous positive airway pressure—machine sends a gentle stream of air into the mouth and nose, allowing those with the common throat condition to sleep through the night. If you are considering using a CPAP machine but are concerned about falling asleep with the mask on, here are some tips to help you stay comfortable. 

How to Sleep Comfortably With a CPAP Mask 

1. Ensure the Mask Fits Properly

Get fitted for your CPAP mask with an ear, nose, and throat doctor. A mask that’s too tight creates depressions on your face and might cause you to wake up because it doesn’t feel comfortable, while one that’s too loose creates air leakages that can dry out your skin and eyes. Lie down during your fitting to see how the mask feels, and have the specialist make adjustments as necessary. 

2. Wear It During the Day

sleep apnea

Put the mask on when you're reading, watching television, browsing the internet, or doing other activities at home. Wear the mask for short durations, such as 10 to 15 minutes at a time, to help yourself become accustomed to it. Nighttime wear will not seem as new and challenging once you have had time to adjust to it.

3. Adjust the Pressure

Locate the "ramp" setting on your CPAP machine to lower the air pressure while you fall asleep. Once you are asleep, the setting will increase the air pressure to your ear, nose, and throat doctor’s prescribed recommendation for your case of sleep apnea. Most CPAP machines offer this feature to help users fall asleep more easily without sensing the change in pressure.


Schedule an appointment with Jeffery L. Silveira, MD in Douglas, GA, to find out how to make a CPAP machine work for you. The ear, nose, and throat doctor provides customized sleep apnea treatments among other ENT services and is certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology. Call (912) 384-2200 today to schedule your appointment or visit the website for more information. 
