
Developed by personal trainer Greg Glassman in the late 1990s, CrossFit® is a fitness routine involving squatting, pushing, and pulling movements. While many people are lured to this form of exercise because they want to increase their endurance, strength, flexibility, speed, coordination, and balance, any lifestyle change can be challenging at first. Therefore, we’ve compiled tips to boost your enthusiasm and help you stay on track.

How to Increase Your Motivation to Exercise

1. Set Goals

It is easy to get frustrated if one's goals are too ambitious. Overstraining can also lead to injury, which can further hinder a person's progress. Therefore, set your sights on an achievable amount of exercise and gradually escalate from there. Working with a certified trainer can help. They will start a conversation about your goals—whether that includes trying to lose weight, build muscle, or manage a chronic disease—and develop a plan to get you there healthily.

You should also find ways of marking your progress. For example, write down the amount of weight you can lift or squats you can do every day. Alternatively, take daily selfies. This will be a future reminder of how far you've come. 

2. Make Physical Activity a Daily Habit

Exercising is a habit. To get your body used to moving, slip in physical activity throughout the day. For example, opt for the stairs instead of an elevator, take a walk during work breaks, and walk up and down the sidelines as you watch kids play. If you work from home, stretch, walk the dog, or dance around to a favorite song. This has the added benefit of lowering your risk of eyestrain from spending too long staring at a screen. 


3. Find a Fitness Tribe

Finding a workout partner or joining a CrossFit class will help hold you accountable for working out regularly. It can also be easier to schedule other responsibilities around a consistent exercise time. Over time, the people in your class can become friends, making this time about self-care in more ways than one. They can encourage you to work hard and celebrate achievements with you. 

4. Reward Yourself

While exercise can be a reward in and of itself, plan out additional, tangible benefits. For example, after hitting a certain milestone, treat yourself to a spa day, a new pair of running shoes, or a refreshing smoothie. 


To begin a new fitness journey, visit Bombers CrossFit®. Based out of Dayton, OH, our CrossFit gym started in a two-car garage in 2013 but now boasts over 5,000 square feet of space and fosters a brilliant athletic community where certified trainers serve with dedication. Our workouts are highly intense and will challenge you both mentally and physically. To learn more about our programs, call (318) 401-1538 or visit the website.
