5 Life Skills Kids Learn From Dance Classes
Many children find dance classes to be a fun and rewarding method of self-expression and exercise. These classes can also help kids develop numerous other skills with lifelong benefits. Here are some reasons to enroll your child at a dance studio.
What Do Children Learn From Dance Classes?
1. Spatial Awareness
Dancing requires the ability to assess one's relationship with the space around them to avoid tripping or bumping into objects or people. Developing spatial awareness also helps kids navigate their environment and respect others' physical boundaries. Learning this can help them with future activities such as driving, in which it's vital to be aware of everyone's proper place on the road.
2. Listening
When children must listen closely to instructors and music to dance well, they develop their communication skills. They’ll learn to catch nuances and details while expanding their understanding of different communication styles. This will help them nurture healthy social relationships and succeed academically.
3. Following Directions
Following directions is crucial in dance classes because it's the only way children can master steps and create cohesive shows. The ability to follow directions helps them learn a variety of concepts, work well with others, and maintain a healthy respect for authority. These skills are essential in school and the workplace.
4. Respect for Others
In dance classes, children must work in teams, take turns, share props, and support each other in learning complex moves or routines. They can also discuss ideas about improvement or creating shows together, giving them an opportunity to appreciate the thoughts and talents of others. They’ll need to practice this kind of respect for other people their whole lives to do well academically, socially, and professionally.
5. Emotional Intelligence
Dealing with challenges and mistakes is difficult, even for adults. Children need safe and productive opportunities to practice so they can become emotionally mature and confident. Since dancing requires discipline and patience, your child will become proficient at analyzing and channeling their emotions effectively and developing a healthy sense of self-esteem.
If you’re ready to sign up your child for dance classes to improve their life skills, go to the New Hampshire Academie of Dance in Londonderry, NH. Established in 1969, they offer a variety of styles that kids love, including tap, jazz, hip-hop, and ballet classes. You can enroll a child as young as 18 months or as old as a teenager and watch them benefit from dance their whole life. Learn more about their approach to teaching dance online, and call them at (603) 432-4041 with questions.