
After you sign your child up for their first ballet classes, you will probably wonder what you need to get them to be ready for the class. Preparing ahead of time will give you a chance to let your child try on the shoes and clothes you buy and get comfortable in them. Here are three tips for what your child will need for their first ballet class.

3 Important Items for Your Child’s First Ballet Class

1. A Dance Bag

ballet classes

Whether you buy a new bag or choose a bag you already have, it’s helpful to designate a dance bag where you can keep all your child’s things they need for dance. From their outfit and shoes, to a snack and a water bottle, it’s easier to have everything in one place, rather than rushing around the house trying to remember all the necessities before dance class. 

2. Ballet Shoes

Having the right shoes that fit well makes a huge difference when it comes to ballet. You don’t want your child thinking about their uncomfortable feet when they are trying to learn how to dance. Most classes require pink leather ballet shoes, but check with your teacher before the class and they can help you find the right shoes.

3. Proper Attire

The attire is also specified depending on the class and teacher, but for most ballet classes students need a leotard and tights. A leotard looks like a one-piece bathing suit. Make sure you get the color and brand that the school requires for your child’s class. Ensure your child tries on the attire before the first class to ensure they are comfortable and ready to dance.


If you are looking for ballet classes for your child, reach out to New Hampshire Academie of Dance in Londonderry, NH. Their dance teachers are approachable and warm, and they make sure to learn every student’s name and who they are. Whether your child wants ballet classes, tap dance, hip-hop, jazz, or lyrical, their dance classes will make your kid have fun while building skills and confidence. Call (603) 432-4041 to speak with a team member, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
