
A denied Social Security disability claim can be extremely frustrating, especially when the rejection has nothing to do with your medical condition. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration (SSA) allows you to appeal these decisions and get the benefits you deserve. If you’re appealing a denied claim, the following tips could increase your chances of success. Here's what you need to know.


Start the process immediately.

The SSA gives claimants 60 days to file an appeal, after which the denial may be permanent. The appeal process can take several months to complete, especially if your attorney requests a hearing. Initiating the procedure as soon as you receive a denial letter decreases the amount of time you spend waiting for benefits.

Work with an attorney.

Social Security disability

The Social Security disability process is extremely complex, but attorneys have extensive experience navigating the system. These professionals understand what kind of evidence judges find compelling, as well as how to prove you’re unable to work. An attorney also has the right to argue your case at a hearing, which makes the experience less stressful for you and maximizes the chances of success.


Abandon your claim.

Receiving a denial letter can be disheartening, but don’t automatically assume that an appeal will also be rejected. Unfortunately, many people who might have succeeded at reversing the decision simply abandon the claim and give up the benefits they’re entitled to.

Exaggerate your symptoms.

When describing your symptoms, you might be tempted to exaggerate their severity to emphasize their impact on your life. However, this can backfire, as the SSA might see these claims as an attempt at fraud. When describing any symptoms and answering the administration's questions, be as objective, factual, and honest as possible.


If your Social Security disability claim has been denied, Susan D. Clasbey, Attorney at Law, will provide the experienced guidance you need to navigate the appeal process. This lawyer has successfully helped applicants throughout the Columbia, TN, area handle appeals since 1985. She focuses exclusively on disability law, so you can rest assured she has the knowledge to understand, present, and argue your case to receive the best possible outcome. Visit this attorney online to learn more about appealing a denial, or call (931) 388-7705 to discuss your options.
