
In the heat of summer, it might be strange to find your air conditioner iced over. All the same, frozen components are common and can malfunction and cause inefficiencies. Thankfully, there are a few typical explanations for the issue that can be addressed during routine HVAC services appointments.

Low Refrigerant

Refrigerant is a chemical that circulates through your air conditioner to absorb heat. If refrigerant levels drop, so do the pressure and temperature inside the evaporator coils. As a result, ice coats the coils and other essential components. Refrigerant cycles through a closed-loop, so a depletion indicates a leak that's most likely in the coils.

air conditioner

Additional signs of a leak include hissing sounds and warm air blowing through the vents. Refrigerant is a dangerous chemical that should only be handled by professionals, so turn off the cooling system and turn on the fan function only while waiting for your HVAC service appointment. This pause in running your AC can unfreeze components, making the technician’s job easier. They can generally seal the damage and refill the refrigerant.

Scheduling annual HVAC system inspections and maintenance lets homeowners get ahead of potential problems, preventing future breakdowns. 

Limited Airflow

Ample airflow is essential for an efficient cooling system. The appliance pulls in warm air, and then evaporator coils remove heat from it, so cool air enters the home. However, if the airflow is restricted, the refrigerant will get too cold, and the line connected to the outdoor condenser might freeze. 

Restricted airflow can result from dirty evaporator coils, a clogged air filter, a blocked vent, a leaking air duct, or a faulty blower fan. Again, turning off the cooling and using only the fan will thaw frozen components. At the same time, check to see if the air filter is dirty; if so, clean or replace it. Check that all the vents are clean and clear of obstructions such as furniture. If none of these issues appear to be the problem, then it’s time to schedule an HVAC service appointment. With specialized training and equipment, your HVAC technician can examine coils and ducts, locating the source of the problem.

To prevent limited airflow, change the air filter every month or two and ensure that furniture, curtains, and other possible obstructions are not inhibiting air intake.


Prevent ice from forming on your AC with help from Trademen in Forest Park, GA. They offer a range of services, including HVAC, plumbing, and electrical repairs. Through routine maintenance appointments, they’ll ensure your heating or cooling system works when you need it most. Call (404) 573-1274 to schedule affordable, friendly service, or connect with them on Facebook for regular updates.
