
When it comes to keeping your pet safe, it’s important to teach them certain boundaries and take the proper precautions. With an invisible fence, you can safely and effectively train your dog to stay away from certain areas and within others. But how long will training take? Below, Invisible Fence of Newtown, CT, offers a simple, three-step guide.

How to Train Your Dog to Respect an Invisible Fence in a Month

1. Introduction

After your invisible fence is installed, it’s important to take the time to establish the ground rules. Your fence will be clearly marked with white flags, which your pooch will learn to recognize. During this introductory phase, they will hear a beep from a device on their collar when they near the boundary. For the first week, take 10 to 15 minutes a day to walk with them around the perimeter of your property. Encourage your pup to turn back when they hear the beep, and reward them for doing so.

2. Correction

Invisible FenceDuring the second phase, add the corrective element of the invisible fence. The dog will hear the warning beep as they approach the barrier and then receive gentle static buzz when they cross it. While this is harmless, pets dislike the feeling and will learn to avoid it. Spend 10 to 15 minutes per day practicing.

3. Practice

By the third week of consistent training, your dog should have a complete understanding of the system. At this point, you can introduce distractions and tempt them to cross the boundary. Rewarding them for resisting will help reinforce the positive aspect of the fence. When done correctly, the whole process should take no more than three weeks.

If you’re on the hunt for a safe and humane training system for your four-legged friend, Invisible Fence of Newtown will help. They will install the invisible fence and also offer professional pet training services to ensure it keeps your best friend safe. Call them today at (888) 429-2421 or visit their website to learn more.
