
While many people have heard of a root canal, some are unsure of what the procedure entails. Your dentist might recommend this common treatment for a specific type of dental infection or injury. The guide below explains everything you should know about the procedure.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure in which the soft inner tissue of the tooth, known as pulp, is removed. The pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. It's important during development, as it forms the hard tissues of the tooth surrounding it. However, a fully matured tooth doesn't need its pulp to survive.

After the pulp is removed, the inside of the tooth is then thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, filled, and sealed. The treatment is similar to a dental filling and can normally be completed in one or two sessions. Since you'll be on anesthesia, you shouldn't feel pain during the procedure.

When Is It Necessary?

root canals

This procedure is performed when the pulp becomes infected or inflamed. This can occur when a cavity is left untreated and causes serious decay or when several dental procedures are performed on the same tooth.

A cracked or chipped tooth from a face injury can also be the cause. However, you may still develop an infection if you were hit in the mouth and suffered no visible damage. 

By removing the damaged pulp, a root canal helps preserve the structure of the tooth. It can be used to save a tooth when the alternative treatment is extraction.

Over time, pulp infection and inflammation can cause severe pain. Additional symptoms include swelling or tenderness, decaying or darkening gums, a sensation of heat, heightened sensitivity to hot and cold foods, and pimples on the gums.

How Should You Prepare?

Your dentist may give you a list of instructions to follow before the procedure. There's usually not much to do in preparation for this treatment. In general, you can eat as you normally would up to one hour before the appointment. Be sure to brush your teeth beforehand.

In most cases, patients undergoing root canals receive local anesthesia, which only numbs the area being operated on. That means you’ll be awake during the procedure and should be able to drive home.


If you need a root canal, contact Dr. Charles Hurst, DMD, in Sumter, SC. Dr. Hurst and his experienced staff provide comprehensive dental care services, including routine exams, dental fillings, crowns, and gum disease treatment. For those who don't have insurance, they offer convenient and affordable payment plans. Call (803) 469-2062 to schedule an appointment. To learn more about their services, visit their website.
