
While it's the responsibility of each driver to be sober on the road, there are some methods that safe drivers can employ when seeing a drunk driver on the road. Pulling over to avoid them and to call authorities, switching lanes, or slowing down to let them pass are all ways to avoid an impaired driver. Staying safe on the road can avoid accidents, emergency towing, injury, and death. Consult the guide below to learn about the signs of drunk drivers on the road.

4 Signs of a Drunk Driver on the Road

1. Weaving or Zigzagging 

Drunk driver's motor functions are impaired by alcohol, often making their vision blurry or impacting their ability to drive in a straight line. Alcohol is also a depressant, inducing sleepiness, which can cause a driver to nod off at the wheel. They might also be anxious to get home, so they may begin frequently switching lanes and weaving in and out of traffic. As they drive, they may also fail to use turn signals, drive according to the speed limit, or keep enough space in between vehicles. 

2. Breaking the Rules 

Stay clear of drivers who can't follow the rules of the road, including switching lanes without turn signals, blowing through red lights or stop signs, or not turning their headlights on. If they're not aware of the rules of the road, they're certainly not aware of you.  

3. Random Stops 

emergency towing

With alcohol-induced fatigue, a drunk driver might nod off and then shock themselves awake, slamming on the breaks to avoid crashing into the person in front of them. Rear-ending is one of the many causes of drunk driving accidents and leads to emergency towing, injury, and fatalities. 

4. High Speeds 

Alcohol impairs motor functions and judgement. Speeding or racing may indicate that the driver is intoxicated because of the false sense of confidence that alcohol can induce. Additionally, they may be nervous about getting caught, so speeding to their destination faster may seem like a good idea to them. 


If you need roadside assistance, get into an accident, or otherwise require emergency towing, count on Chapin Towing. They provide fast, safe, and reliable towing services at affordable rates in Maricopa, AZ, and nearby areas. Their professional drivers are available for around-the-clock emergency service, whether you need a jump-start, fuel delivery, a flat tire change, or emergency towing after an accident. Call (623) 670-9266 for assistance or visit their website to learn more about their services.
