
Milled organic flour takes your favorite recipes to a whole new level. That is why it should be preserved for as long as possible while in storage. This guide explains why flour typically goes bad sooner rather than later, and what you can do to extend its lifespan and keep it fresh. 

Common Mistakes That Cause Organic Flour to Go Bad

Most people keep their flour in the paper bag it comes in, which is a major storage error. These bags can't be easily sealed, which allows air and moisture to get inside. There is also a risk of pests making their way into the bag, which is a surefire way for this vital ingredient to end up in the trash. 

While it might seem surprising, flour contains a small amount of oil that can go rancid when exposed to oxygen and moisture. This causes a range of effects, including an unpleasant odor. If the odor is not immediately detectable and you use the flour in a recipe, you'll also notice an unpleasant flavor that is sort of sour or musty. You may also notice that your recipes aren't turning out as planned. 

The Right Way to Store Flour for Maximum Longevity

organic flour

Fortunately, you can avoid these effects by using the right storage methods. Flour must be transferred from its bag to an airtight container as soon as you get home, preferably one with a lid that can be sealed tightly. You can store it in a cool, dry area of your pantry, but it will keep much longer if you place the sealed container in the freezer or refrigerator. This is especially important if your home is particularly humid. 

As for how long flour will stay fresh, it typically depends on the type. When stored correctly, white flour is usually good for a year after its milling date, which you can find on the bag. Whole grain varieties typically contain more oil, which means they're prone to spoiling faster. As a result, their storage life is slightly shorter, at about six months. 


When you get your organic flour from Valentine Mills, you want it to last as long as possible. Along with providing bakers in Dandridge, TN, with great storage tips, this fully functional working mill offers all-natural and non-GMO products. You'll also love their charming country store, which features homemade, artisanal jams and jellies, along with many other fine products. Visit the website to learn more about their flour selection or call (865) 309-9812 to learn more. 
