
Aqua therapy is a soothing, low-impact alternative to traditional physical therapy. It's suitable for all ages and fitness levels and can provide many advantages for patients recovering from injuries, chronic pain, illnesses, and surgeries. The guide below explains what you can expect from aquatic therapy and how this treatment affects the healing process.

What Is Aqua Therapy?

Alternatively known as water therapy, pool therapy, and hydrotherapy, this method of rehabilitation is conducted in a heated pool with guidance from trained physical therapists. Patients in aqua therapy participate in treatment programs tailored to their unique needs. There are many techniques patients can perform in the water, with or without equipment. Many exercises involve walking, jumping, kicking, and using weights.


aqua therapy

One of the major benefits of aquatic therapy is buoyancy. In water, there's less pressure from gravity on joints and muscles. This allows people with injuries and chronic pain to exercise without aggravating their symptoms. 

Since they're floating, areas of the body that are hurt or recovering from an injury are easier and less stressful to move, allowing for better flexibility and increased range of motion. The natural resistance created by water also assists with muscle and strength training.

Water provides support and stability, reducing the risk of falls and further injury in seniors and individuals with balance disorders. If they do fall while in the water, patients will have more time to react and are much less likely to get hurt. 

Many find the heated pool to be relaxing and soothing for aching muscles and joints. The warmth can loosen sore and tight body parts for improved mobility, lower stress, and reduced pain. Participating in aqua therapy can help with a wide range of conditions, including arthritis, scoliosis, orthopedic injuries, recovery from joint replacement surgery, and Parkinson’s disease. 


If aqua therapy would benefit your health or recovery, contact River Bend Physical Therapy & Preventative Care in Bigfork, MT. Serving the Flathead Valley area, this rehabilitation center offers top-notch physical therapy programs customized to promote complete recovery. Their physical therapists use hands-on techniques and quality treatments to help you lead an active and comfortable lifestyle. Learn more about their services online. To schedule your initial consultation and physical exam, call (406) 837-3255. 
