
Chronic pain can make even simple tasks challenging, such as reaching for a cereal box on a high shelf or tying your shoes. Whether your discomfort stems from an injury, stroke, nerve disorder, or chronic condition like rheumatoid arthritis, there are advantages to seeing a pain management specialist. Here's a closer look at what a professional has to offer your journey to wellness.

What Does a Pain Management Professional Provide?

1. Expertise

Specialists undergo more extensive training in pain diagnostics than primary care physicians, which may include chronic pain fellowships or residencies. They'll use their in-depth knowledge and education to diagnose your condition and thoroughly explain its causes. Next comes a comprehensive treatment plan that will address the problem’s source in addition to managing its symptoms, taking your future into account as well as the present.

2. Specialty Testing & Treatment Options

pain management

Neurological testing, MRIs, X-rays, and blood tests are among the ways pain specialists diagnose chronic pain, which is classified as pain that lasts longer than six weeks. Your test results might warrant specialty procedures, such as nerve blocker injections for nerve-related pain or trigger-point injections that use local anesthetics and steroids to manage ongoing muscle discomfort. 

Depending on the severity of your pain, the specialist might recommend surgery for lasting relief. Common chronic pain surgery includes infusion pain pumps that send medication directly into the spinal cord. 

3. Supplemental Therapy Access 

Your specialist might suggest a physical therapy regimen and specialized exercises to complement your personalized treatment plan. Increasing your activity level improves muscle flexibility to decrease tension, floods the brain with pain-reducing endorphins, and improves muscle strength to support your spine and joints. 

Relaxation techniques, such as weekly massage therapy and daily meditation, may be prescribed to relieve stress and muscle tension. The right combination of treatments and therapies helps improve your overall health so that you feel better, minimize stress, and enjoy more energy every day. 


Work with the specialists at Advance Pain Management in Atlanta, GA, to enjoy life without debilitating discomfort. The clinic offers a wide array of customized services, including physical and massage therapy, to manage each patient’s specific needs. Call (404) 781-2800 today to schedule your appointment with a pain management specialist or learn about accepted insurance carriers. 
