
Aging is a natural part of life, but it often brings a higher risk of injury as seniors go about their routines. Minor tweaks and strains can cause skeletomuscular problems and chronic discomfort, making it difficult for you to perform daily tasks around the house. A chiropractor can promote proper alignment with hands-on adjustments, offering you the following advantages.

How Can Seniors Benefit From Chiropractic Care?

1. Increased Range of Motion 

Chiropractic care works to align joints and relax muscles. A chiropractor can also give patients strengthening exercises to target areas of weakness, such as the hips, knees, and shoulders. These all work together to help you climb stairs, reach high cupboards, and bend over to pick up items from the floor. 

2. Pain Relief

Chiropractors make adjustments to ensure the spine, neck, and other joints are in the proper position. This can reduce the amount of undue pressure put on nerves, which can ease chronic pain.


For example, sitting for long periods can sometimes cause sciatica, in which the nerve running down your lower back and leg is pinched by a bone spur or herniated disc. Chiropractic manipulation and physical therapy exercises can help relieve this pressure and allow you to move freely again. 

3. Improved Balance 

Falls are the leading cause of injury in adults over the age of 65. Keeping the spinal cord and vertebrae in proper alignment helps improve balance, reducing the risk of falls. In some cases, you may no longer need a cane to remain steady when walking.

4. Reduced Risk of Arthritis 

Regular chiropractic care among seniors may be able to reduce the likelihood of the onset of arthritis. Manipulation and adjustments from a chiropractor can help keep joints properly lubricated and functional. As arthritis often develops as joint inflammation, this may help joints stay healthy and supple well into old age. 

5. Increased Overall Well-Being 

Seniors who regularly visit a chiropractor report many improvements to their overall quality of life. Better sleep, higher energy levels, and improved mood are all potential outcomes. Your chiropractor can work on your individual goals to develop a treatment plan for your body.


If you're a senior looking for a chiropractor in the Phoenix area, trust the professionals at Doholis Chiropractic to help you find pain-free living again. Since 1977, this clinic has treated adults of all ages. Call (602) 224-5141 today to schedule your comprehensive examination with Dr. Doholis, their licensed chiropractor. You can also visit them online to learn more about their services for seniors. 
