
When you run a restaurant, you likely use a variety of cooking oils and fats when preparing meals for your customers. After using the grease, you must dispose of it properly in a specialized trap so that a professional grease removal company can collect and recycle the waste. However, people may steal this substance before it can be removed from the property safely, which is known as grease theft. Below is a brief overview about this situation and how to avoid it.

Why Do People Steal Grease?

Grease is a recyclable substance that manufacturers use to produce biofuels, which are forms of renewable energy. Additionally, recycled cooking oils are ingredients in certain animal feeds and cosmetics. As a result, grease has value, which is why some people steal it from restaurants. Eateries typically store used fats and oils in large outdoor or indoor storage bins. Thieves may use torches, bolt cutters, or crowbars to break into the tank and siphon the contents into their own containers before hauling it away and selling it to someone.

What Are the Signs of Stolen Grease?

grease removal

While it is difficult to catch criminals in the act, a broken fence around the container, an out-of-place bin, or visible damage to the tank can alert you to past theft. Alternatively, you might notice spilled grease on the ground or lower levels of oil in the tank between collection appointments. You may even observe suspicious individuals or trucks loitering in the vicinity of the container.

How Can You Prevent It?

Partnering with a reputable service provider for regular grease removal prevents your tank from filling, which may minimize theft risks. Using a smart tank that automatically alerts your grease recycling provider that it needs to be emptied is another way of ensuring you don't have excess oil that can attract thieves.

If you want to bolster the physical security of the tank, investing in an outdoor container with a locking mechanism can deter potential thieves who are looking for easy access. Also, installing security cameras around the property, building a privacy enclosure to make the container less visible, and setting up an alarm system to engage when the grease level drops suddenly can also prevent theft.


If you need a reputable grease removal company to help you prevent theft, contact Valley Proteins. They provide lockable tanks, grease trap maintenance, and recycling to clients throughout Winchester, VA. Call (800) 871-3406 to order a container and set up an automatic collection schedule. Visit the website to learn more about how they can protect your restaurant with regular grease recycling.
