
Swimming pools tend to attract all sorts of wildlife and pests because of the water in them. If you have one, you’re likely to find wild animals trying to get near to have a drink. When you fail to take preventive measures, it won’t be long before you need to call for wildlife control to keep these animals at bay. Avoid this problem altogether with the tips listed below.

5 Tips to Prevent Wild Animals Out of Your Pool

1. Fence Around

Install fences that are at least 4 feet high along the perimeter of your property. A high, sturdy barrier is effective at keeping out local wildlife while protecting against intruders and affording extra privacy from prying eyes.

2. Install Automatic Sprinklers

wildlife controlMost animals, even the bravest ones, will scamper away when spritzed suddenly with water. Choose a sprinkler with infrared sensors that can detect animal movement and automatically spray out a stream of water. Within a few weeks, animals will get the hint and look another watering hole.

3. Use Animal-Repellent Systems

In addition to sprinklers, putting flashing infrared beams near the pool is an effective wildlife control strategy. When darkness falls, the pulsating lights scare pests away from your premises without causing them injury. But even with sprinklers and infrared lights in place, there are instances when wild animals still dare to come near your pool. For these animals, spray a mixture of natural repellent made with water and either Cayenne or jalapeno pepper around the pool. The strong smell and taste of the mixture are irritating enough to keep critters out.

4. Trim Trees & Branches

Wild animals like raccoons and squirrels are agile climbers. If they can’t can’t climb a fence, these critters can scale trees and drop down into your property. Wildlife control services recommend eliminating these pathways by trimming any overhanging branches and overgrown shrubs.

5. Avoid Leaving Any Food Out

Wild animals are always on the lookout for food, water, and shelter. Eliminate their food sources by keeping the lids on your garbage cans covered tightly. Ensure that your trash cans can’t be tipped over easily by securing them. Refrain from feeding your pets in the yard, but if you do, be sure to clean up food debris thoroughly.


Wild animals will find your swimming pool tempting, so remember these tips to keep them out for good. When you need wildlife control or animal removal services, count on the professionals at American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services. Located in New Milford, CT, they’ve provided humane animal control services throughout the state for over 47 years. Call (860) 355-1231 today or inquire via their website.  
