
Although discovering a bat in your home is usually alarming and reason enough to contact a bat removal company, these winged creatures lead fascinating lives when they aren’t in your personal space. Have you ever wondered how they spend their days? Here’s a little peek inside their intriguing world.

A Day in the Life of a Bat

How Does the Bat’s Day Begin?

Bats are nocturnal, so their “day” actually begins at night! It’s during the darkest hours that they begin their hunt for food. They’re known to fly for miles and miles in search of sustenance, the majority of which include flowers, insects, leaves, pollen, and fruits. Some bats have particularly voracious appetites, and thus spend most of their nighttime flight eating roughly half of their body weight. They’re particularly adept at finding their prey through a process known as echolocation, which occurs when they send vocal signals out and wait for the sound waves to return. This allows them to locate their food easily.

What Do They Do During the Day?

bat removalYou’re unlikely to spot a bat during the daylight hours because they’re fast asleep. They’re typically found in trees, caves, and crevices. If you do happen to spot one during the day, it’s likely not near its nest—and it may be ill. If it’s anywhere in your home, contact a bat removal company right away. These critters are legally protected, so interacting with them may result in serious fines.

What Happens During Winter?

When it’s cold outside, it’s tough for bats to find sufficient sources of food because insects, flowers, and fruits are scarce. At this stage, they go into a state known as torpidity, which occurs when their body temperature, heart rate, and pulse drop dramatically. Any body fat that the bats gain during the year is used during these colder months to help them survive. They may wake up on occasion for a drink of water.

What Do They Do in Houses?

Bats often end up inside attics because the spaces are warm, comfortable, and remain a fairly consistent temperature. If they spend the day and night inside your home, odds are they’re resting and fast asleep when it’s bright outside and emerge when the sun sets to feed. If you hear sounds above or suspect you have an animal control issue, have a bat removal expert assess.


Since 1971, the animal control experts at American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services have provided homeowners throughout New Milford, CT, with bat removal and control assistance. In addition to eliminating these and other unwanted critters from your home, they also offer preventative services to ensure that they don’t disturb your peace or pose a threat to your property. You can visit the website to find out more about their wildlife control and home animal removal options, or call them at (860) 355-1231.
