If there are skunks on your property, you should enlist the help of an animal removal company. After all, these creatures may look innocent, but their odor can quickly make your home unbearable. To learn more about these animals, and how to get rid of them, review the following frequently asked questions.
What You Should Know About Skunks
Why do skunks spray?
Skunks defensively spray when they sense danger, creating a distinct odor that's difficult to remove. They'll usually warn an attacker before spraying them by hissing or raising their tail, so if you see these signs, back away slowly. If you get sprayed, the stench can last for several days.
How can you deter skunks from your property?
Turning on your sprinklers and putting up string lights on your patio may be enough to scare skunks off your property. It's also helpful to remove wood and rock piles from your yard so the critters have fewer places to hide. If you're still unable to deter the skunks, contact animal removal services.
Are skunks dangerous?
While skunks aren't typically aggressive, they may carry rabies. Signs of this disease can include stumbling, vocalizing, and seizures, but rabies may still be present without these symptoms. If you suspect a skunk is sick, contact an animal removal service immediately and stay far away.
What should I do if I get sprayed by a skunk?
If you have the unfortunate experience of being sprayed by a skunk, hop in the shower as soon as possible. Then, combine one quart of hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup baking soda, two teaspoons of liquid dish soap, and one quart of lukewarm water. Apply the mixture to your hair, leave it on for a few minutes, and wash your body with dish detergent as well.
If you have a skunk on your property, turn to the professionals at American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services in New Milford, CT. This company has specialized in humane animal removal for nearly 50 years and can safely get rid of any creature. Once the professionals trap the pest, they’ll relocate it to DEEP-approved forest lands. If you’d like to learn more about their wildlife removal services, call (860) 355-1231 or visit their website today.