
Groundwater is typically clean and fresh, purified by the natural filtration of the soil. However, chemicals, pollutants, and microorganisms can work their way into the water supply, so regular testing is crucial for ensuring its safety. Below are a few common reasons to schedule an inspection of your water system, on top of your regular annual tests.

When to Get Your Well Water Tested

1. Problems in the Water Supply Nearby

Underground water sources may be rivers or aquifers that cover hundreds of square miles, so pollutants introduced in one area can often affect nearby properties. Because water supplies don’t end at the property line, it’s important to keep track of issues discovered in other locations.

water system

For instance, if a neighbor’s water system tests positive for E. coli or other dangerous microorganisms, your well may also be contaminated. If water quality issues have been discovered in your area, schedule a test as soon as possible.

2. You’ve Experienced Floods or Construction Activity

Rising groundwater or heavy rain can wash fertilizer, animal waste, and other contaminants down cracks and crevices into the water supply. The saturated soil after a flood may also be unable to clean out impurities, so schedule a test if you’ve had flooding in your area, even if your property wasn’t affected.

Construction activity also disturbs the surface, which allows animal waste and other impurities into the aquifer. If large-scale construction projects have recently been completed in your area, you may need a  test to verify the purity of your water.

3. Your Water Quality Changes

Problems in the water system or changes in the local supply can have an immediate impact on your water quality. For instance, the water may have an odor like rotten eggs, or appear cloudy and yellowish. You might also notice scales and deposits building up in your sink, which is usually a sign of high mineral content. If you notice any change in the quality of your water, call a maintenance professional to ensure it’s safe to drink.


Since 1981, Fogle Pump & Supply Inc has been keeping water supplies throughout northeastern Washington clean. Their experienced technicians offer a wide range of services, from routine water system testing to emergency repairs. Visit their website for more on their water system maintenance services, follow their Facebook for updates, or call (888) 343-9355 to schedule a well test today.
