
If you’re an older individual or someone who has been injured in an accident, you may be interested in making your home more accessible. Home automation can make daily living much easier with voice commands and remote safety features. Below, you’ll find a helpful guide to the many advantages of smart home features. 

4 Benefits of Home Automation for Accessibility 

1. Remote Control

home automationHome automation systems permit you to control your lights, appliances, and HVAC system from the convenience of your smart phone or tablet. If you misplace your device or cannot get to it, you can use voice commands to control these same features.

2. Increased Safety

When you automate your home security systems, you’ll have the ability to contact medical personnel directly via voice commands. If you fall, become injured, or have another medical emergency, you won’t have to worry about trying to find a phone or pressing a button to get help. 

3. Improved Security

Home automation makes properties much more secure for people with limited mobility. With fingerprint technology and access control systems, you won’t have to worry about intruders or unwelcome parties getting into your property. The ability to lock doors automatically and adjust lighting will deter theft and criminal activity. 

4. Greater Sense of Independence

When you invest in home automation systems, you’ll ultimately feel a greater sense of independence. Without the need to move to an assisted living community or hire an in-home aide, you’ll enjoy more freedom and a higher quality of life. 


When you’re ready to reap the benefits of home automation, get in touch with Alamo Electronics Inc. They offer smart home technology, including motorized window treatments and light control systems, to clients throughout Cincinnati. Call (513) 791-2300 to get a quote on home automation and set up an installation appointment. Visit them online to learn more about their home automation services. 
