
Whether it's spiders, termites, or bed bugs, the prospect of pests in your home is always worrisome, and it's normal to seek the best remedies to either prevent them from entering or eliminate them entirely. Although there is some good advice, most DIY pest control solutions pale in comparison to what professionals can achieve. Here are a few of the most common misconceptions.

Debunking Common Pest Control Myths

1. Clean Homes Eliminate All Pests

While keeping all the nooks and crannies in your home does help minimize the chances of attracting certain insects and rodents, it's not a substitute for professional eradication. Some colonies or infestations require a long-term, consistent solution for removal that no amount of vacuuming or air-tight food storage containers can solve.

2. High Heat & Soap Eliminates Bed Bugs

pest control

If there's been a case of bed bugs in your home, the property needs to be treated. While washing your bed sheets with soap in high heat can eliminate the ones hiding in the fabric, that won't treat the property. Not only are bed bugs small in size, but they're also nocturnal and multiply quickly. If you can't find where all of them are hiding, you won't be able to eradicate the infestation. 

3. Brick or Concrete Blocks Out Termites

Many homeowners with brick or concrete slab homes erroneously believe that termites won't target the property. However, these bugs can still seek out the wooden aspects of the structure for food. If your home is made from either of these materials, you'll still need to be vigilant for attacks on your interior wood. Patch up any holes or cracks that form ASAP, and keep an eye out for signs of termites. 


When you need reliable pest control, contact Extermination Services in Port Orchard, WA. Trusted by residential and commercial clients alike, they offer comprehensive services to protect your property from insects or rodents. They also offer a 90-day warranty for insects and a 60-day warranty for rodents. You can learn more about their services on the website, or call (360) 895-1890 to schedule an appointment.
