
Like most people, you probably hate spiders. Unfortunately, they are everywhere. Over 3,000 types of spiders call North America home, so some are likely hiding in your home at this very moment. Spider control can get rid of them, but first, you'll need to find the arachnids. Here are some of their most common hiding spots.

Where Spiders Are Hiding in Your Home 

1. Under Furniture

During the day, spiders like to rest in dark, quiet places. One prime location is underneath furniture, such as a sofa, table or bed. They will stay out of sight and undisturbed, only emerging at night when it's relatively safe. When you clean your home, vacuum, wipe, or dust the underside of furniture to remove their webs. A spider control expert can advise you on other preventative methods. 

2. In Storage Spaces

spider control

As mentioned above, spiders love the dark. They like clutter, too, because it tends to attract insects and other pests that the spiders can ensnare. This makes storage spaces like the garage, basement, attic, and closets ideal hiding spots for spiders. If left untouched for some time, these areas can become infested and require the intervention of a spider control service.

3. Near Sinks

Spiders need water and food to survive, which is why they often camp out near bathroom and kitchen sinks. As a bonus, the areas underneath sinks can be dark and peaceful if they are contained within a cabinet. Make sure to keep sink areas clean and organized, and address any leaks right away. 

4. In Doors and Windows

While spiders prefer darkness, insects are drawn to light. Since insects are their main food source, spiders will go where they are, which is often near windows and doors. Spiders will spin webs in the corners to catch their prey. If you are having a problem with the eight-legged creatures, a spider control specialist can treat doorframes and window sills to get rid of them. 


If your home requires spider control, count on the team at Extermination Services. Located in Port Orchard, WA, these exterminators provide a range of residential and commercial services to ensure the cleanliness of your property. Rely on them for everything from spider control to rodent removal. Visit the website for more information, and call (360) 895-1890 to schedule an appointment.
