
Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into acupoints, or targeted areas of the skin along meridians, which are energy pathways. This form of traditional Chinese medicine may promote qi—the flow of energy throughout the body. The process can provide a number of benefits. Use the following guide to learn more about the perks of treatment from an acupuncturist.

Why Should You Visit an Acupuncturist?

1. Enjoy Safe and Comfortable Treatment

Acupuncturists must undergo many years of training and get a license prior to practicing. Additionally, they use sterile, individually packaged, disposable needles, virtually eliminating any risk of spreading illnesses and infections. The insertion of needles is typically painless, and people who undergo this treatment often report a slight tingling sensation that causes minimal discomfort. The procedure is safe and comfortable, and you may immediately resume your usual activities afterward. 

2. Relieve Pain


Acupuncture releases endorphins, which are chemical messengers produced in the brain that act as the body's natural painkillers. Additionally, this therapy stimulates the nerves, muscles, and connective tissues. As a result, acupuncture treatment may alleviate headaches, back pain, and muscle cramps. It can also reduce pain and discomfort associated with sports injuries and chronic health conditions, including osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.  

3. Improve Mood 

Acupuncture stimulates the production of serotonin in the brain. This neurotransmitter, also known as the feel-good hormone, can stimulate feelings of calmness, happiness, and emotional stability. This means treatment from an acupuncturist could help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders. Additionally, it can reduce stress responses in the body, resulting in increased feelings of calm and relaxation. 

4. Get Better Sleep

Acupuncture increases blood flow to regions of the brain that induce sleep, and it also releases melatonin, which is a hormone that produces feelings of sleepiness. This may make it easier to fall asleep and get the seven to nine nightly hours of sleep recommended for adults. Getting ample rest may boost the immune system to reduce the risk of illness, enhance your ability to concentrate throughout the day, and improve your mood so that you have more positive interactions with others.


Enjoy the many advantages of acupuncture with help from Avicenna Acupuncture & Lymphedema Clinic. With over 27 years of experience, this acupuncturist provides treatment as a supplement to professional medical care to clients throughout Colorado's Denver Metro area. Call (303) 803-0675 to book an appointment. Visit the website to learn more about how they can help you experience relief from back and neck pain, sports injuries, or inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. 
