3 Recovery Steps to Take After an Acupuncture Session
Many people worldwide swear by the benefits of acupuncture. This form of alternative medicine is a practice that originated in traditional Chinese medicine. It uses pins that are placed at certain points of the body known as meridians to improve the flow of energy. It has been known to improve a variety of ailments, from anxiety to autoimmune disorders. However, to reap all the many benefits it can provide, there are certain steps to take after a session. Use this guide to learn more about post-acupuncture care.
How to Take Care of Yourself After Receiving Acupuncture
1. Drink the Right Fluids
Drink plenty of water after acupuncture, and avoid alcohol and caffeine. This treatment can release toxins in the body, and hydrating helps flush them out. Conversely, alcohol and caffeine inhibit your body's awareness of itself. Alcohol dulls the senses while caffeine heightens them. These effects can counteract all the work the acupuncturist did during a session. Avoid drinking beverages with these ingredients for a few days after your appointment. They're also dehydrating, which can have negative impacts on the body.
2. Get Plenty of Rest
The treatment may give you an instant boost of energy. Use it, but be gentle. If you get the urge to workout, opt for light exercises, like stretching and walking, or short sessions of low-intensity exercise.
Prioritize rest as your body is healing, as well. Go to bed early and try to have an otherwise calm and stress-free day to maximize the effects of the session.
3. Use Heat Instead of Ice
If you have any soreness after an acupuncture session, use heat instead of ice to relieve the symptoms. One of the goals of the treatment is to eliminate stagnation within the body that causes blockages and, therefore, pain. Heat can be beneficial since it helps get systems moving. It is believed to aid the healing process and remove any other blockages in the body that may need additional facilitation.
If you are thinking of trying acupuncture, turn to Avicenna Acupuncture & Lymphedema Clinic in Denver, CO. The doctors at this clinic have over 30 years of combined experience serving individuals throughout Arapahoe County. They are devoted to offering pain-free pain relief treatments in a comfortable environment. They work closely with each client's wishes to create a unique treatment plan that aids in their success. Visit the website for more information, or call (303) 803-0675 to schedule an appointment.