Is Acupuncture Covered by Health Insurance?
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that has gained popularity in recent years. Fine needles are put into certain points on the body to promote healing, decrease discomfort, and alleviate pain. Although it's aimed to improve your health, you may be wondering if your insurance covers this treatment. The following guide explores the answers to this question and provides tips on how to obtain coverage for it.
Is Acupuncture Covered by Health Insurance?
The answer to this question varies depending on your insurance provider and plan. Some insurance plans cover acupuncture, while others do not. In general, insurance plans that cover alternative medicine are more likely to cover it. It's important to review your policy's summary of benefits or contact your insurance provider directly to find out if it is covered.
If your policy does offer coverage for it, there may be certain stipulations, such as a limit to the number of visits you get covered. Depending on your insurer, you may be eligible for a discount if you go to an in-network provider.
How to Find Out If Your Insurance Covers It
One way to find out if your insurance covers acupuncture is to check the provider's website or call their customer service line. You can also ask your acupuncturist if they accept your insurance and if they can help you determine if your plan covers the treatment. Some policies need a referral from a primary care physician before approving coverage, so it's important to check with your doctor as well.
How to Obtain Insurance Coverage
If your insurance plan does not cover acupuncture, there are still ways to get it covered. One option is to appeal your insurance provider's decision by providing evidence of the medical necessity of the treatment. This can include medical records, a letter of medical necessity from your doctor, or a statement from your acupuncturist. You may also be able to get it fully or partially covered if you receive treatment from a doctor or licensed practitioner.
Another option is to switch to an insurance plan that covers it. Many plans that cover alternative medicine are available on the healthcare marketplace. It's important to review the plan's summary of benefits before enrolling to ensure that you receive the coverage you desire.
If you are interested in acupuncture, put your trust in Avicenna Acupuncture & Lymphedema Clinic in Wheat Ridge, CO. Their experienced doctors provide personalized treatment plans to help you achieve optimal wellness. They have decades of combined experience and are committed to helping patients heal their bodies and minds. Contact them at (303) 803-0675 to schedule an appointment or visit their website for more information about their services.
Disclosure: These services are not a replacement for seeking professional help.